
Prof. Dr. Claudia Nagel

The first book on Behavioral Strategy:
Behavioral Strategy. Thoughts and Feelings in the decision-making process. The unconscious and the company’s success. Corporate Media


  • Nagel, C. (2023): Leading with depth. How emotions and relationships impact work performance. Bicester: Phoenix.
  • Nagel, C. (2020): Psychodynamic Coaching. Distinctive features. Routledge
  • Nagel, C. (2014): Behavioral Strategy. Thoughts and Feelings in the decision-making process. The unconscious and the company’s sucess
    Unternehmermedien, Bonn
  • Nagel, C. (2013): Behavioral Strategy. Thinking and feeling in the decision-making process. The unconscious and corporate success. With a foreword by Prof. Dr. H. Kormann
    Unternehmermedien, Bonn

Book reviews on “Behavioral Strategy”

  • Economy and Career, June 2013
  • Börsenzeitung 8.8.2014
  • Nagel, C. (1994): On the Culture of the Organization. An Organizational Psychology Study in the Automotive Industry. Cologne work on business psychology. Peter Lang, Frankfurt

Scientific papers and book chapters

  • Nagel, C. (2023): Leading hybrid organisations – The contribution of ‘Leadership Beacons’, emotional transcendence and transitional space. Organisational & Social Dynamics 23(2)
  • Fiorito, T., Nagel, C., Veenswijk, MB. & Drori, I., (2023): Navigating Paradoxical Tensions in the Context of Coopetition. Emotional Transcendence in a Dutch Public–Private Partnership. Journal of Change 23/2, 1-2
  • Nagel, C. (2022): The virus as symbol for the 4th humiliation of humankind. In H. Brunning & O. Khaleelee (Eds): The Covid Trail. Bicester: Phoenix. pp. 121-138.
  • Brunning, H., White S., Nagel C. (2022): Psychoanalytic reflections on the war in the Ukraine. In: Organisational & Social Dynamics 22(2) 226–244
  • Nagel, C. (2021): On the psychodynamics of hope and identity in times of crisis: why they are needed when basic assumption victimism/supremacism prevail. Special Edition of Organisational and Social Dynamics. 1/21. 56-77
  • Nagel, C. (2021): Story about splitting separation and the centre that does not hold. In: H. Brunning & O. Khaleelee (Eds.): Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics. Bicester, UK: Phoenix
  • Nagel, C. (2020): In times of crisis you need to build trust to get from fear to hope. Socioanalysis 22/2020. 107-112.
  • Nagel, C. (2018):
    German Leadership. In: S. Western and E.J. Garcia (eds): Global Leadership Perspectives. Insights and Analysis, Sage Publications. (in press)
  • Nagel, C. (2017):Behavioural Strategy and deep foundations of dynamic capabilities. Using psychodynamic concepts to better deal with uncertainty in strategic management. Global Economics and Management Review. Download
  • Nagel, C. (2017): How enterprises could benefit from the Dynamic Capabilities view. Practical implications from the Behavioral Strategy and Dynamic Managerial Capabilities Perspective. In. Pundziene, A. (Ed.): Dynamic Capabilities and Firm Competitive Advantage. A Multidisciplinary Approach. Emerald (in press
  • Nagel, C. (2017): Power and Magic of Money. The psychodynamics of the financial market crisis from today’s perspective. In: B. Dorst, C. Neuen, W. Teichert (Eds): Seele und Geld. Patmos, 92-119.
  • Nagel, C. (2015): Interplay of emotion and cognition. Women and Strategic Leadership – A Plea for Behavioral Strategy. Journal of Continuing Education 1/2015, pp. 14-17.
  • Nagel, C. (2015): Behavioral Strategy: Thoughts and Feelings in the Decision-Making Process. The Unconscious and the Company’s Success. In: The European Business Review. July/August 2015, 48-50
  • Nagel, C. (2015): Dynamic Capabilities as a Basis for Strategic Change. WiSt – Business and Economics Studies. Journal of Studies and Research. 8/2015, pp. 422-427
  • Nagel, C. (2014):Power and Vulnerability in the Board Room: adressing Fear and Insecurity through Dialogue and Self-reflection In:
    Halina Brunning (ed.): Psychoanalytic Essays on Power and Vulnerability. Karnac, p.25-42.
  • Nagel, C. (2012): Behavioral Strategy as a New Approach in Strategy Development.
    In: Thomas Giernalzyk, Mathias Lohmer (eds.): The Unconscious in Companies. Psychodynamics of leadership, consulting and change management. Schaeffer Poeschl. pp. 211-230
  • Nagel, C. (2012): What is a company from a psychodynamic point of view and how should it be liable? Corporate Criminal Law from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics and Behavioral Strategy
    In: Eberhard Kempf, Klaus Lüderssen, Klaus Volk (eds.): Corporate Criminal Law. De Gryter
  • Nagel, C. (2012): Behavioral Strategy and the Method of Psychodynamic Strategy Development.
    In: Ingo Bamberger, Thomas Wrona (eds): Strategic Management Consulting. Concepts – Processes – Methods. 6th ed. Gabler
  • Nagel, C. (2012): Money as a Fetish: The Financial Market Crisis from a Psychodynamic Perspective.
    In: Susan Long, Burkard Sievers (eds): Towards a Socioanalysis of Money, Finance and Capitalism: Beneath the Surface of the Financial Industry. Routledge p.
  • Nagel, C. (2012): Money as a Phantastic Object.
    In: Halina Brunning (ed.): Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World. Karnac p.
    as PDF
  • Nagel, C. (2010): The Role of the Transcendent Function for the Design of Change Processes in Companies.
    In: Journal of Analytical Psychology. No 160/41 Vol. 2/2010
  • Nagel, C. (2009): The Psychodynamics of the Financial Market Crisis.
    In: Free Association 3/2009, pp. 61-84
  • Nagel, C. (2009): Ethics and Ethical Behaviour.
    In: David Leeming (Ed): Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Knight
  • Nagel, C. (2009): Analytical Psychology.
    In: David Leeming (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. Knight
  • Nagel, C. (2007): Psychodynamic Change Management – Theory and Practice.
    In: F. Keuper and H. Groten (eds.): Sustainable Change Management. Wiesbaden. Gabler, pp. 275-295
  • Nagel, C (2005): Money – Devil’s Work or Philosopher’s Stone. On the elemental and transformational character of money.
    In: Free Association 1/2006, pp. 61-90.
  • Nagel, C. (2004): Trust and Responsibility – Two Pillars of Corporate Culture.
    A 10-point program. In: Ronneburger Kreis (Hrsg): Rupert Lay und Claudia Nagel – Trust and Responsibility, Loss and Regain. Ronneburger Texte. Büdingen, pp. 29-99

Journal articles

  • Interview by Reinhard Nenzel (2013): Behavioral Strategy.
    In: Unternehmermagazin. No 3/4 2013, No 5/6, No 7/8 2013 No 3/4 2013 download No 5/6 2013 download
    No 7/8 2013 download
  • Nagel, C. (2013): Power and Magic of Money – Sanctuary and Fetish.
    In: Jung Journal. No 30/16 Vol., pp. 27-33

Newspaper articles

  • Nagel, C., Schiereck, D. (2014):Culture eats strategy
    In: Börsenzeitung of 24.5.2014, p. 9
  • Nagel, C. (2012): Why corporate strategies often fail.
    In: Börsenzeitung of 13.01.2012, p. 8
  • Nagel, C. (2011): What Women Think Today.
    In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28.10.2011
  • Nagel, C. (2011):Women must learn to compete
    In: Frankfurter neue Presse from 10.01.2011
  • Nagel, C. (2011):The Magic of Money II
    In: The Entrepreneur, 1/2011
  • Nagel, C. (2010):The Magic of Money I
    In: The Entrepreneur, 2/2010
  • Nagel, C. (2010):Sympathisch unagitated
    In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 31.07.2010
  • Nagel, C. (2009): Money as a Fetish.
    In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22.05.2009, p. 22


  • “Emotional challenges for todays’s leaders. How to become a better leader in times of continuous disruption and AI”, 12th of Sept 2023. World Knowledge Forum Techno Big Bang – Humanity on the shoulder of giants. Seoul/Korea, 12-14th of September 2023
  • “Can AI replace the CEO?” Presentation as panel-contribution to a panel, 14th of Sept. World Knowledge Forum Techno Big Bang – Humanity on the shoulder of giants. Seoul/Korea, 12-14th of September 2023
  • “The soul of the organization – archetypal paradoxes, belief systems or what? ” Paper presentation at the 39th ISPSO Annual Meeting in South Africa June 2023
  • “Introduction to Psychodynamic Coaching”, HSE, 27.10.2022
  • “Basic assumption mode victimism/supremacism as a result of crisis and trauma and the need for hope and identity to move towards the future”. Paper at the ISPSO AM 2022
  • “The 4th humiliation of humankind and its impact on organisational culture and leadership”. Keynote at the OPUS Annual Meeting February 2022. “Examining the Organisational, Social, and Cultural Challenges of the Anthropocene”
  • “Leader or victim or both? The role of containment in times of crisis.” Keynote at VI international conference of the association for psychoanalytical coaching and business consulting. Energy of business. Moscow, 12-13th of May 2021
  • “Pearls or toadstools – psychodynamics of the glass ceiling” lecture at VVAO Amsterdam, Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club, 8.3.2018
  • “What threatens our freedom? The Defense of Self-Determination: How to Save Our Society – and Ourselves.” Lecture, design and moderation of the Offenbach Dispute, 15.8.2017
  • “Managing growth successfully. How insights from behavioral strategy can help with this.” Lecture to Offenbach entrepreneurs, 26.6.2017
  • “How does an owner-managed fashion company become an international fashion brand?” Lecture and design of the Female Entrepreneurs’ Salon. Offenbach, 19.5.2017
  • “Behavioral Strategy: Integrating Psychology into Corporate Strategic Management Theory and Practice”, Presentation at VU University Amsterdam, 8.12.2016
  • “The power and magic of money. The Psychodynamics of Money in the Financial Market Crisis.” Presentation at the annucal conference of the International Society for depth psychology. 1.11.2016
  • “Behavioral Strategy: Why and how to integrate psychology into strategic management.”
    Presentation at Knowledgebrief, 10.8.2016, London
  • Integrating Psychology into Corporate Strategic Management Theory and Practice. Research Colloquium EBS, Oestrich-Winkel. 1.7.2015
  •  Dynamic Capabilities and Behavioural Strategy: An Integration with the focus on unconscious and psychodynamic aspects to better deal with uncertainty in strategic decision-making. 15Th EURAM conference “Uncertainty is a great opportunity”, Warsaw, 18.6.2015
  • How to destroy your future as a corporation? – Corporate strategic decision making under the lens of psychoanalysis and Behavioral Strategy. ISPSO Conference 2015: “Toxic Emotions, Organizational Health, and Social Well-Being: Psychoanalytic Understanding and Interventions”, Rome, 14.6.2015
  • “You think you’re judging rationally? It doesn’t work at all!” Lecture at “Leadership Revisited”, Vienna 22.9.2014
  • “Thinking and feeling in the decision-making process. An Overview of Behavioral Strategy”. Rheingau Economic Forum, Reinhardtshausen Castle, 13.7.2014
  •  »Behavioral Strategy and Risk Taking in Strategic Decision Making – a Psychodynamic Perspective on its Failures«, Presentation at ISPSO Conference 2012: »Living with Risk, taking Action. The Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations in Uncertain Times«, San Diego (USA)
  • “The company as an addressee of criminal prohibitions and sanctions on the basis of ‘Behavioral Economics’ and ‘Behavioral Strategy'”. Lecture on 18.11. at the 4th Symposium for Economics, Criminal Law and Ethics on the topic of “Corporate Criminal Law” (ECLE IV), Institute for Law and Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
  • “On the Seduction of the Consultant to become an Insider. Power and Eros in the Consulting Relationship”. Presentation at Opus Conference 2009 in London, 21.11.2009
  •  »The Archetypal Meaning of Money in the Creation of Identity in Work Life«, Presentation at ISPSO Conference 2008: »Motivation and Meaning at Work«, Philadelphia (USA)
  • »The Role of the Transcendent Function in the Management of Change«, Presentation at ISPSO Conference 2007: »Potential Space. A source for creativity and terrifying anxiety. Exploring possibilities and limitations in organisational work«, Stockholm


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Germany, 63065 


+49 69 742299-10
