The Peace Studies in The Netherlands invite for a zoom meeting and discussion on the 21st of December at 4 pm CET.

Prof. Nagel is invited to join the panel “The State of Affairs “, which will be hosted by the Stichling vredeswetenschappen and the University Leiden. She will explore how her chair and her research will contribute to peace studies and might contribute to prevent societal conflict.

Other panelists will be;

Joachim Koops, Chair of Security Studies and Scientific Director of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University’s campus in The Hague – and co-organizer of this symposium
Jaap de Wilde is professor of International Relations & Security Studies at the Department of International Relations & International Organization and the Centre for International Relations Research at the University of Groningen
Abbey Steele, associate professor of political science at the University of Amsterdam and Director of the Amsterdam Center for Conflict Studies.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Eduard Nazarski, former Director of Amnesty International and the Dutch Council for Refugees

For more information, please get in touch via