During the annual International Symposium of ISPSO in New York www.am2019.ispso.org, Dr. Claudia Nagel officially joined the board as President Elect. Together with Past President Simone Western and current President Steen Visholm, she will be working on shaping the organization’s future before becoming President for two years in June 2021.
The internationally renown publisher Routledge had commissioned Dr. Claudia Nagel to write a book on “Psychodynamic Coaching”. This book presents thirty distinctive features of psychodynamic coaching, half of them referring to theory and the other half to praxis
You can order it with Amazon or Rutledge.
The content table gives a first overview
Theory Part I Basic theory
1 The roots of psychodynamic coaching in psychoanalytic traditions
2 Psychodynamic coaching is not psychotherapy
3 Basic elements of psychodynamic coaching 4 Reasons and occasions for psychodynamic coaching
Theory Part II Basic theoretical concepts – relationship as focus
5 The unconscious as common ground – from soul to unconscious cognitions – a historical overview
6 Personal development, personality and character in psychodynamic coaching
7 Human relationships and the role of emotions and conflict in professional life
8 Human relationships and basic working concepts: transference, countertransference, attachment and defences
9 Neuroscientific foundations of human relationships: new insights for psychodynamic coaching
10 The system as significant context
Theory Part III Application in coaching – using the relationship
11 Understanding the inner-landscape: creating and transforming meaning
12 Dealing with different leadership types
13 Facing challenges such as resistance and defences 14 Working with defences
on the group and organisational level
15Being aware of risks and limitations
Practice Part I Preparing for the client
16 Assumptions for the coach regarding the client 17 Assumptions for the coach regarding themselves – attitude, perspective and training
18 The general setting
19Contracting – the very first meeting
Practice Part II Running the coaching sessions
20 Beginning the relationship – ways of opening
21 The integration of additional diagnostic tools
22 Working in and with the relationship – the coach as instrument
23 Working at the core of the client’s question
24 Dealing with emotions 25 Using symbols
26 Coaching female leaders
27 Understanding and addressing the context
28 Coaching teams in organisations
Practice Part III Ending the coaching
29 Ending the coaching relationship
30 Training, ethics and elements of good practice
Dr. Claudia Nagel is elected as President Elect of ISPSO. The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations is the only global organization that brings together psychoanalytic and psychodynamic consultants, coaches and academics in the context of organizations. In annual global symposia and regional meetings, research results as well as consulting experiences are shared.
As part of a strategy conference Dr. Nagel was invited to give a lecture at the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart The title of her lecture is: “Behavioral Strategy: Integrating Psychology into Corporate Strategic Management.” In this lecture, Dr Nagel will show to what extent not only rational and planning considerations are incorporated in the strategy development, but also that emotional and “cognitive-irrational” play an important role.
The action artist Guntram Prochaska used his chain saw in November 2018 to design the tree stump of a felled maple due to an illness. The result is the “Lili Queen”, which alludes to the Lili Temple. Unfortunately, the maple had to be felled because of a mycelium so that its stability was no longer guaranteed. The Lili Queen has been watching over the Lili Temple ever since.
In November, the European Women on Board initiative invites selected female professionals to a network and speed dating event with head hunters for board positions. Dr. Claudia Nagel was present a member of the International Board Professionals.
European Women on Board is a European initiative with the following goals:
We will develop the European network of “first tier” non-profit organizations by promoting and increasing the number of women in boards. Now there are 20% women of NED listed companies. At the same time, European Union intends to promote a target of 40% in 2020 in roughly 5000 companies.
We have built an international female talent pool to offer opportunities to board-ready women, so they can reach top positions with international visibility and board mandates at European level. Thereby they are able to present the added value they can offer to boards.
We actively participate in the debate of diversity on boards in order to improve the practice of corporate
governance, innovation and more balanced business models. We share the interest of companies and non-profit organizations to innovate, develop and grow.